Pro Tips To Maintain A Healthy Lawn

Lawn is a great place to spend some family time, especially during the summer season. A well kept lawn also enhances the aesthetic value of your home, keeping your surroundings pleasant as the weather changes. But if it is not in a good condition, there are many things to blame. Also, Lawn Care is not a small task. One has to know many things to maintain it like a pro. Listed below are a few tips that will help in avoiding dull, weed infested lawn. 

Take Care Of Weed
If you haven’t been paying attention to your lawn, it must be filled with weeds taking away the beauty of your garden. So what should be the first thing towards lawn care? Weed should be tackled first and removed so that you can finally see how much space you have in your garden to plant nice flowers and other seeds. The best way to do this is by uprooting the weeds with hands or using a tool.
Good Quality Seeds & Fertilizers

Once you have removed the weed, it’s time to bring back the life of your lawn with quality seeds and fertilizers. Don’t be afraid to go overboard, mix large quantity of seeds with fertilizers and spread it in the lawn. This will also fill the damaged or thinning areas, helping it to rejuvenate with new grass and plants. Over seeding will avoid in weed infestation too.
Lawn Mowing

When the grass starts growing back, don’t leave it be. It needs to mow regularly, depending on the weather conditions. If you are doing it yourself, make sure that the grass isn’t wet and the blades of the lawn mower are sharp. Otherwise instead of cutting the grass, it will rip it off. If your lawn gets too much sun, then it will be a frequent thing to do as grass grows quicker in warmer conditions.
Water Timely

If the weather is usually warmer or hot, your lawn will need more water. To achieve the best results, it is advised to water either early in the morning or after the noon. Also use a water sprinkler as excessive water can harm the lawn. While you are at it, don’t do it in haste. Make sure that you have watered the entire lawn and no part of it has been left. 

Call In The Professionals
If you are doing all the above mentioned things but still the lawn is not thriving the way it should be, worry not. You can always call in the Lawn Care Service to take a look. Their years of experience and in depth knowledge will tell them what is lacking and what should be done in order to revive your garden. The preventive measures taken by them will ensure sure shot success. 

For More Info : - Lawn Care Service


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