What’s So Special About ASE and Factory Trained Auto Repair Technicians?

If you own or operate an auto-repair center, you want your customers to feel like they are leaving their vehicle in the best hands possible. No one wants their vehicle half-repaired, or a poorly done repair that needs to be redone later. This wastes time and money, both yours and the customers. To ensure that your customers are getting the best care possible, you have to hire the best mechanics available. Factory trained and ASE certified auto repair technicians are the best hiring decision you could make for your auto care facility.  

Factory trained and ASE certified technicians are familiar with every make and model of vehicle.
The ASE is a difficult and comprehensive test. It requires extensive knowledge of every sort of vehicle, as well as on the job training and experience. All of that knowledge and experience compounds to make one extremely valuable auto repair technician!

Factory trained technicians use genuine parts specific to your vehicle.
Factory trained technicians use parts that were made, in the factory, for your make and model of vehicle. This guarantees compatibility, as sometimes parts that are made to crossover or parts that could “technically work” do not work. Using parts that were made for your make and model ensures that you get the best quality possible, and factory trained technicians know the best way to do this.

ASE Certified technicians are more accurate in their repairs.
In a survey conducted by ASE employees on auto repair shop managers, 80% of the managers felt that ASE certified technicians were more accurate in their repairs. They also felt that they were more likely to diagnose the problem quicker and fix it correctly on the first try. Talk about customer satisfaction, which reflects well on your business and turns a one-time customer into a regular!

ASE Certified technicians have more job satisfaction.
If a technician has gone the extra mile to get their ASE Certification, there is probably a reason. They love what they do! They don’t just do the job for the money, they do it for the enjoyment of it. 62% of the managers surveyed stated that ASE certified technicians had better attitudes about work and better work habits than those without ASE certifications.

The combination of factory-trained and ASE Certified auto repair technicians ensures quality repairs in your shop.

If a hire is factory-trained and ASE Certified, that means that they have the general knowledge and experience to be a great repair technician. The ASE is an intensive challenge that demonstrates initiative and a willingness to set and achieve goals. An ASE certified technician is also a testament to experience that they have already gained. Factory training means that the hire has specialized training in specific makes and models of vehicles. Depending on your auto repair center, factory training could be essential.

It’s important to make sure that your customers are getting the highest quality care possible. The highest quality care will come from an ASE certified and factory trained technician. They are committed to professionalism and dedicated to their service. ASE certified technicians are more likely to make the correct repair on the first try. If you are looking for a quality repair technician to add to your auto repair center, look for an ASE certified and factory trained auto repair technician. 

For More Info : - Lawn Care


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